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Blah blah blah

Author: mavs // Category:
Before anything else, and for the first time, lemme touch the niche of politics in my blog. I am not a die-hard fan of Gibo albeit among the presidential candidates, I think if I'm going to vote right now with my current state of mind, I'll go for him. If you'll ask me why, no offense meant but I'd give my trust to a leader like him over an ex-convict or an over-spender. My instinct tells me so to boot though it shouldn't be the basis in choosing the next chief executive of our country. Whatever or whoever yours may be, I'll respect that as I expect you to do the same.

At any rate, I believe the recent move of Gibo relinquishing his post as the chair of his party is quite a good move--although I would have wanted for him to run independent. Nonetheless, considering the trend in our political arena, one needs a party for financial support and all the other privileges that go with it; therefore, such suggestion is a mere wishful thinking. I just raised it because most of the people whom I spoke with vis-a-vis their bet said Gibo would have been a better choice if he is not under the umbrella of the administration. Many believe that should he win the elections under the support of PGMA, he MIGHT be manipulated by her for the sake of indebtedness--but that's argumentative!

Anyway, this post ain't about policticking, it was just a private opinion of mine, which is as good as yours.

On the other hand, I should talk about life after school. No, no, no. Let me restate the last three words: BOREDOM after school. It's really boring to just sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, and eat the whole day. Granted that I wished for this day to come--no stress from work and school, just pure relaxation--but for Christ's sake not a complete couch potato lifestyle like this for a week and counting. I don't want to join the 'army of unemployed', if I may borrow the words of my former professor--although technically I am employed for a part-time job so I'm not totally a liability to my family. And I'm not saying you are....

I recently applied in a publishing firm in our place but the thrill of knowing the result soon is killing me. God knows how much I'm dying to know the result immediately so I could readily change plans should I won't get the job. Guess what, I'll tell you a little secret, I'm actually hesitant to pursue with my employment here because the thrill of practicing my profession away from my family without knowing anyone, in a place entirely new to me, is adamantly digging in my system. Hell I'd love to get out of my comfort zone!

On a second thought, since I am a fresh graduate, I basically need some experience before hitting big cities. But the question is, will the experience I'll be getting here relevant to the field I'll be plunging in the future? Uhm, its quite relevant...I guess. I know I'm being vague here, but do you have suggestions? Should I bravely step into a place presuming I could face the world and that I could do anything only to find out that I was a fool to believe all these coz I'm absolutely ain't ripe yet, and that I was just rushing things up when I could have done it slowly, smoothly and surely. Alas! I think I'm just pressuring myself, what the rush for? After all, I'm still young and life is good. (Aw?) Oh yeah! Blah blah blah....

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