Some say earning a college degree is difficult. Others say the same on finding a job after graduation. I'd say they're all right--absolutely right!
For me, however, there is still a more difficult job than the aforementioned statements. It's on deciding what direction of life one should take after long years of academic journey. Granted that going to school does not come easy nor does it come cheap, but under the auspices of one's parents, coupled with one's diligence and backed by perseverance it can be hurdled. Then, joining the labor force thereafter may be challenging, especially if you get rejected couple of times. Just don't give up and always put your best foot forward; sooner of later, you'll get a job.
Deciding what path to take in life is another story. One might be overconfident of their plans while still at school, but I'm telling you, with myriad uncontrollable circumstances lurking in every outskirt, life may turn out upside down leaving you dumbfounded and unable to take grip of it no more. You don't have to like it though coz that's just the beauty of life. Nothing's certain. Everything's temporary. Worse is, it comes with no signal and catches us off-guard oftentimes. Once it struck you, you won't anymore be sure of your every decision. And that's what happened to me. I was so sure then of my life's itinerary. But now, I'm only comporting to the situation I chose to engage. If I only resorted to impulsive decision, this life now would have been different although I can't be sure if it's negative or positive.
For me, however, there is still a more difficult job than the aforementioned statements. It's on deciding what direction of life one should take after long years of academic journey. Granted that going to school does not come easy nor does it come cheap, but under the auspices of one's parents, coupled with one's diligence and backed by perseverance it can be hurdled. Then, joining the labor force thereafter may be challenging, especially if you get rejected couple of times. Just don't give up and always put your best foot forward; sooner of later, you'll get a job.
Deciding what path to take in life is another story. One might be overconfident of their plans while still at school, but I'm telling you, with myriad uncontrollable circumstances lurking in every outskirt, life may turn out upside down leaving you dumbfounded and unable to take grip of it no more. You don't have to like it though coz that's just the beauty of life. Nothing's certain. Everything's temporary. Worse is, it comes with no signal and catches us off-guard oftentimes. Once it struck you, you won't anymore be sure of your every decision. And that's what happened to me. I was so sure then of my life's itinerary. But now, I'm only comporting to the situation I chose to engage. If I only resorted to impulsive decision, this life now would have been different although I can't be sure if it's negative or positive.
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