I always believe that good leaders are also good followers. Ironically, I’m not a good follower. Should I expect a good leadership out myself? Let the members speak their minds. (If they happen to bump my site…)
I would just like to express similar bitterness my friend Bong
I can relate how maddening it is to schedule a meeting for your group but instead of starting it on time, you have to spare another hour or more because you will have to wait for the rest of members to arrive so that there should be a quorum.
Even if you still have other things to do, you don’t have a choice but to sacrifice it or miss it at all because waiting for them has already consumed much of your time. They just don’t have an idea how frustrating it is to you. They just don’t have an idea how much you extend your patience in order not to reach your boiling point.
Another thing is when they get inside the room late and the meeting has begun, they will automatically babble with their seatmates/classmates (as if they haven’t seen each other for decades) and eventually disturb your ongoing discussion. Isn’t it already below the belt? Isn’t it worth slapping their faces until you see them bleed? (but that is too harsh I believe).
Moreover, how would you feel if the people who usually neglect the meetings are the officers themselves? Haven’t they realized that they should be a model for the rest of the members? I would assume that if they are not stupid they are moron.
Or, if we look at it on the other side, maybe they don’t respect my leadership. Perhaps, they think they are better than me. Well I don’t think so because if that is so, they should have been the ones that were elected and not me.
Now my point here is not to wash my hands and redeem myself from this insensitiveness, or to brag my leadership either. Rather, I am just writing this to let the people know (especially those who are concerned) that a leader can only perform his tasks smoothly if the members are willing to cooperate.
We all have our lazy moments sometimes but for so long as we can minimize it, then let’s do it. We all have our share of stupidity in life but as long as we can control it, let’s go for it. We are not perfect but we can minimize our errors by carefully thinking our deeds before putting them into action. We all have to invest respect to other people if we want to be respected by them also.