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Juan Tamad

Author: mavs // Category:

"You can build a shack overnight, but if you want to build a house that can stand against the fury of hurricane or storm, it will take time."
Although I am uncertain if that is the exact sentence, nonetheless I'm sure that the idea expressed in the sentence above is the wisdom that the author of the book, which I've read years ago, is trying to relay to its readers.

We may have different interpretations but this is the way I comprehend it. What the author was saying is that there is no shortcut to anything in this world. You should exert efforts and keep your patience always high. In other words, if you want to own a house you wish to be yours forever, you should work hard so you will have the money to buy it. But if you just want to dwell in it for only a day or two, you can easily rent it because you will only be needing a few bucks, you don't have to work hard.

Now I'd like to apply this principle to the attitude I am possessing at the moment. All this time, I thought I am no longer the same procrastinator I was then, that I'm already a mature responsible person. But look what I'm doing right now. We have many many things to do for our major subjects--articles, exams, documentaries, etc. etc.

All of these have deadlines but I seem not to care at all. I did not even submit an article yet for one of our major subjects while all of my classmates were able to beat the deadline three days ago.

Well, we actually had our news legging and I think my facts would be enough to make a five-page news feature article. But I just can't find the energy or the enthusiasm to do so. It's as if I do not care at all if I'll be given a failing grade. It's as if I do not care to graduate anymore. It's as if...

Actually, this post is supposedly a lengthy one but again, I feel like procrastinating so I will end this piece of crap 'til here only. Sorry for the wasted time. :(

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